Paratransit Monthly Performance Report for October 2021

Monthly Narrative


In-house average weekday ridership for October was 2,322, up by 26.97% from last year. Supplemental providers average weekday ridership was 236, up by 65.87%. Combined in-house and supplemental providers average weekday ridership was 2,558, up by 29.77%.

Fiscal year-to-date in-house and supplemental provider total ridership is up by 64,982 boardings, up 32.26% as compared to the same time period in fiscal year 2021.

On-Time Performance

Handi-Van on-time performance measured from 10 minutes prior to scheduled pickup time to 30 minutes after scheduled pickup time was 96.22% for October. The Handi-Van on-time performance (all early to scheduled pickup time to 30 minutes after scheduled pickup time) was 97.57%. On-time performance for trips with a desired arrival time was 68.29% (drop-offs completed within a 45 minute window before the clients’ desired arrival time) and 93.67% for all drop-offs completed before the clients’ desired arrival time.

Comparative Trip Length Analysis

An analysis was done to compare Handi-Van trip times with comparable bus trip times. A comparable fixed-route trip time is the scheduled on-vehicle bus time as calculated by Google Transit for the same origin and destination plus 30 minutes to account for walking, waiting, and transferring required on the fixed-route system. During the month of October, Handi-Van operated 54,643 trips including 3,053 trips that were longer than one hour in trip time. The analysis found that 83.26% of the Handi-Van trips longer than an hour were completed in the same time or less than a comparable fixed-route trip.

Excessive Trip Times

An analysis of excessive trip times was performed on all monthly Handi-Van trips with travel times in excess of one hour. The analysis found that 141 or 0.26% of all trips were more than 15 minutes longer than comparable fixed-route trips.


Average vehicle availability was 90.39% for October.

Performance Metrics

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
% Change
FY 20 to 21
4 Month
4 Month
4 Month
% Change
FY 20 to 21
Total Monthly Ridership 67,546 53,090 109,198 27.23% 266,410 201,428 419,857 32.26%
Average Weekday Ridership 2,558 1,971 3,899 29.77% 2,529 1,922 3,960 31.55%
Unique Riders During the Month 4,492 3,763 6,195 19.37% 4,491 3,660 6,068 22.69%
Cost per Revenue Hour $106.16 $105.48 $85.92 0.65% $106.54 $111.56 $87.47 -4.50% <= $90
Cost per Trip $55.87 $64.19 $37.49 -12.96% $56.83 $69.14 $38.96 -17.80% <= $39
Cost per Revenue Mile $6.50 $7.18 $5.60 -9.53% $7.07 $7.63 $5.63 -7.31% <= $6.20
Trips per Revenue Hour 1.90 1.64 2.29 15.64% 1.87 1.61 2.25 16.18% >= 2.2
Farebox Recovery 3.15% 1.77% 4.56% 1.38% 2.99% 2.30% 4.40% 0.69% 8%
Very Early Arrivals (> 30 Minutes) 0.05% 0.13% 0.10% -0.08% 0.05% 0.10% 0.11% -0.05% < 1%
Early Arrivals (> 10 Minutes) 1.35% 2.22% 1.82% -0.88% 1.41% 1.74% 1.91% -0.33% < 2%
On-Time and All Early Arrivals 97.57% 98.81% 87.84% -1.24% 97.89% 98.80% 88.38% -0.91% >= 90%
On-Time & Early Arrivals (Up to 10 Min Early) 96.22% 96.59% 86.02% -0.37% 96.48% 97.05% 86.48% -0.58% >= 90%
On-Time Arrivals (Within 0-30 Min Window) 78.43% 76.24% 75.01% 2.20% 78.38% 77.44% 75.40% 0.93%
Very Late Arrivals (>30 Minutes) 0.04% 0.05% 0.95% -0.01% 0.05% 0.03% 0.88% 0.02% < 1%
On-Time Drop-Offs (Within 45 Mins) 68.29% 64.69% 61.37% 3.60% 65.80% 62.51% 63.15% 3.29% > 90%
Comparative Trip Length Analysis 83.26% 87.89% 69.08% -4.62% 84.07% 89.86% 70.07% -5.78% 50%
Excessive Trip Length 0.26% 0.11% 1.48% 0.15% 0.22% 0.06% 1.35% 0.16% 1%
No Show / Late Cancellation Rate 6.54% 9.32% 7.14% -2.78% 6.61% 9.15% 6.83% -2.54%
Advance Cancellation Rate 18.86% 18.90% 21.83% -0.04% 19.26% 20.68% 21.99% -1.42% < 15%
Missed Trip Rate 0.05% 0.06% 0.41% -0.01% 0.09% 0.04% 0.38% 0.05% < 0.5%
Complaints per 1,000 Trips 1.19 1.34 2.72 -11.34% 1.15 1.33 1.99 -13.27% <= 1.5
Calls Answered Within 5 Minutes 99.61% 99.02% 26.87% 0.59% 95.86% 98.39% 42.06% -2.53% 95%
Vehicle Availability 90.39% 91.30% 83.74% -0.91% 89.10% 92.16% 84.56% -3.06% >= 80%


Average Weekday Ridership. Ridership has steadily increased since September 2020, falling slightly in September 2021, but rising to 2558 in October 2021. Percent of Trips On-Time. On-Time rate has been slowly decreasing from a high of around 98% in August 2020 to 96.22% in October 2021.
Cost per Revenue Hour. Over Fiscal Year 2021, cost per revenue hour has oscillated up and down from month to month, but has trended upwards since March, before falling to $106.16 in October 2021. Cost per Passenger Trip. Over Fiscal Year 2021, cost per passenger trip has trended downwards from a high of about $75 before beginning a slight upwards trend in Fiscal Year 2022, ending at %55.87 in October 2021.
Unique Riders During the Month. Unique Riders has slowly trended upwards over the past fiscal year, but has dipped down over this fiscal year, but rising back up to 4492 in October 2021. Calls Answered Within 5 Minutes. Calls answered within 5 minutes has held at over 95% for most of the past fiscal year, before dropping starting in April 2021, but bouncing back up to 99.61% in October 2021.
No Show/Late Cancel Rate. No shows and late cancels have dropped moderately over the past fiscal year, down from a high of just over 9% down to 6.54% in October 2021. Advance Cancellation Rate. Advanced Cancels have slowly trended downwards over the past fiscal year, and have held steady over the past few months, ending at 18.86% in October 2021.
Missed Trip Rate. Missed trip rate has slowly increased over the past fiscal year from just under 0.1% up to about 0.15%, but fell back down in October 2021 to 0.05% Passenger Trips Per Revenue Hour. Over the past fiscal year, passenger trips per revenue hour has increased from 1.6 up to 1.9 in October 2021.
Complaint Rate Per 1000 Trips. Complaint rate has been erratic over the past 12 months, though it has remained in between 1 and 1.5 complaints per 1000 trips, ending at 1.19 in October 2021. Vehicle Availability Rate. Vehicle availability has trended slightly downward over the past fiscal year from a high of about 93%. Availability had bounced back somewhat in October 2021, at 90.39%.
Contractor Revenue Hours. Over the past fiscal year, contractor revenue hours has remained steady before beginning a string upwards trend starting in February 2021, ending at 1772 in October 2021. Contractor Passenger Trips. Over the past fiscal year, Supplemental provider passenger trips has trended slowly upwards, from just under 5000 up to 6183 in October 2021.
Contractor Cost Per Revenue Hour. Over the past fiscal year, contractor cost per revenue hour has remained largely stable at around $90 per hour. Fiscal year 2022 has seen an increase in cost per revenue hour, ending at $100.10 per revenue hour in October 2021. Contractor Cost per Passenger. Over the past fiscal year, contractor cost per passenger has remained stable at just under $30 per passenger, ending at $28.69 per passenger in October 2021.
No Show Rate. No Show Rate has held steady at about 1% through Fiscal Year 2021, before beginning to fall in Fiscal Year 2022, ending at 0.68% in October 2021. Cancel At Door Rate. Cancel At Door Rate has been tranding downwards from about 4% in July 2020 down to 2.99% in October 2021.
Late Cancel Rate. Late cancel rate has been tranding downwards from about 4% in July 2020 down to 2.87% in October 2021.